someAWE Labs was founded in 2017 with the goal to identify architectures with high performance potential in the Airborne Wind Energy (AWE) design space that have seen limited R&D and to build and test functional demonstrators for those architectures. Furthermore, someAWE’s goal is to enable AWE researchers to gain practical experience, the ability to validate theoretical results and to apply them to the real world.
someAWE Labs is the coordinator of Work Package 5: AWES Architectures of Task 48 of the IEA Wind Technology collaboration programme.
someAWE follows an agile and practical approach which is suitable for the high-risk nature of the field.
Primary focus as of 2022 are rotary AWE systems. Multiple systems have been built and tested.
The company is working in collaboration with leading universities in the field such as University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and University of Freiburg. The outcomes thereof have been presented at multiple airborne wind energy conferences and lead to multiple cited publications.
someAWE has a suitable facility to manufacture kilowatt scale demonstrators. Furthermore, it has access to a small test field that can be used for practical tests.
someAWE follows an open source approach for its software, hardware and data.